Rising NPR staffer reflects on BW journey March 6
Media production major Darrius Cook '20 brings a diverse voice to National Public Radio.
School of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences
(440) 826-2278
Whether you see yourself as an on-air radio or TV host or behind-the-scenes in a production or writing role, the exciting field of media production offers diverse and rewarding career opportunities.
Baldwin Wallace's media production program bridges classroom learning with practical application. You'll develop the analytical, creative and technical skills to produce high-quality audio, video and written content for today's integrated media environment.
BW media production provides exceptional hands-on learning and opportunities for building a portfolio showcasing your work. Award-winning WBWC 88.3 "The Sting" offers professional on-air radio experience as DJs, sports announcers, production assistants and recording engineers. Behind the scenes, you can help manage WBWC business operations.
BWTV is a student-directed program airing on local cable TV that builds important skills for broadcast television and video production.
You can also get involved with The Exponent, BW's award-winning student-run newspaper, where you can hone writing, reporting, editing, social media and design skills.
Media production classes will teach you to analyze, evaluate and create effective media content and to understand the role of media in our society. You'll learn production techniques - sound, recording, mixing and editing - and become proficient in writing and creating content for a variety of media platforms.
A required internship will provide you with invaluable real-world experience and networking opportunities. In your senior year, you'll create a professional portfolio that showcases your media experiences and expertise.
See a full list of required courses and electives >
You can complement your communication major with a minor in social media production - an interdisciplinary program that incorporates writing, visual communication and marketing as tools to create strategic social media plans and tactics.
In and out of the classroom, you'll benefit from faculty who care about your success. BW professors and advisers in the media production program are communication professionals with decades of real-world experience. They'll work closely with you to help you establish key networking contacts in the field and gain the experiences needed to land a first job.
This communication studies honor society serves as a point of distinction for high-achieving students as well as a sponsor for a service-learning initiative through BW's Habitat for Humanity.
A group of creative writers who are dedicated to strengthening their craft through discussion and critique, mutual respect and support for each other in their growth as writers.
Joseph Tarantowski
Director, Broadcasting
M.F.A., University of Wisconsin
Molly Swiger
Ph.D., Bowling Green State University
John Elmo
Todd Richards
B.A., Baldwin Wallace University